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Glenlivet’s New Crib


It’s a curious phenomenon, our resistance to change.

Change, really, is the staple ingredient to improvement and is in fact the one-word definition of what nature is; so, naturally, there is nothing more natural. So why can it feel so wrong? I think the root of that pain in change is in an urgency to retain and maintain what is good. There is knack to this that isn’t always tapped into but The Glenlivet’s latest revamp epitomises a good evolution.

The original Speyside single malt has partnered with MTV Cribs to showcase its idyllic newly refurbished Visitor Experience in Speyside. The episode, created in collaboration between The Glenlivet and MTV Cribs, features whisky-loving comedian, Iain Stirling. 

Iain explores every inch of the new home; from the artisan-built interiors to the interactive barley field, as well as the all-important Still Room, where 21 million litres of quality whisky is distilled every year.

There is only so much you can do to renovate something that draws its power from being aged but at every turn, Glenlivet’s heritage is honoured. The Visitor Experience boasts all the bullet points of a distillery tour and yet feels more like a walk through a functional museum than what is essentially a factory.

Iain Stirling, Scottish Comedian and whisky lover, commented:

“Being a huge fan of whisky meant it was an absolute honour to be given the key to The Glenlivet’s newly refurbished home. It is such a beautiful place, so rich in history and Scottish charm. From start to finish, the distillery takes you on an adventure into the mystery and intrigue that shrouds the original Speyside single malt. Whether you’re an enthusiast like me or new to the category, The Glenlivet Visitor Centre is a whole new way to experience whisky”

This is modernity done right by one of the oldest and most esteemed whisky houses.

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