Immunity — Boost it.


In light of the current pandemic, retailers are being swept of health supplements and immune-boosting remedies.

“There are several micronutrients that are essential for immune health, but unfortunately many of us don’t get enough of these nutrients through diet alone. Supplementing can be a great way to ensure that you are getting all the vitamins and minerals you need to support a healthy immune system,”

says Amanda Callenberg, Nutritional Therapist. In particular, Vitamin C brand YourZooki have seen sales rise by 940% over the past 30 days, noting the vast demand in immune-boosting health supplements across the country. We’ve included a few of our tried and tested favourites below.

Vitamin D

Why is Vitamin D important? Harley Street Nutritionist Kim Pearson says, “Vitamin D is vital for good health. It regulates calcium and therefore is essential for strong and healthy bones and teeth. It’s necessary for healthy functioning immune and cardiovascular systems and for healthy cognitive function to name just a few.” Renowned as the sunshine vitamin, it’s been widely used to help with bone health, however the vitamin is also essential in activating the body’s immune defences system as well. Our bodies store Vitamin D in our fat cells, and only uses it when it’s needed. Studies have also found that Vitamin D is crucial for our immunity to fight off viruses once we are already infected. An analysis carried out at Queen Mary University London, found that Vitamin D helps to reduce the risk of infections – especially amongst people who don’t get enough Vitamin D from exposure to sunlight, or from their diets.




BetterYou’s DLux Vitamin D Oral Spray


Liposomal Vitamin C

One of the biggest and most well-known reasons to take Vitamin C is to fuel your immune system. Multiple studies have shown how important Vitamin C is for your immune system. Since our body can’t store Vitamin C, whenever our immune system goes into overdrive to deal with infection, it very quickly burns through the Vitamin C circulating the body. Jack Morrison, Co-founder of Vitamin C brand, YourZooki explains, “The biggest problem we face when it comes to supplementing with Vitamin C, is how much actually makes it to your cells, as opposed to being flushed away. YourZooki uses a new and patented “liposomal” delivery system to increase absorption by up to 50%, allowing the Vitamin C to have a much bigger impact on your skin, immune system and energy levels.” It’s made with 100% natural ingredients, vegan, alcohol-free, soy-free and gluten-free. 




Liposomal Vitamin C


Manuka Honey

Fundamentally popular for its antibacterial benefits, the Queen Bees’ honey is great for your gut health and boosting energy levels. In addition to its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, studies have shown its antiviral effects may help protect your body from flu. Usually the higher the MGO (methylglyoxal) rating, the stronger the antibacterial activity – which results in a higher price point. Alexander Johnston, General Manager at John Bell & Croyden says, “Having a strong immune system is key to maintaining good health and has never been more relevant than now. Immunity boosting supplements, a balanced diet, and foods such as our premium MGO 1000+ Manuka Honey, can help protect the body from illness as well as boosting energy levels and general wellbeing.”



Manuka Health, Manuka Honey



A popular supplement traditionally used to treat cold and flu symptoms, the berry-based plant derives its healing properties from Native Americans and Egyptians that used it to treat infections, heal burns and smooth their complexions. The berries can help promote the growth of white blood cells, which in turn helps to fight infection. Nutritional Therapist, Rosie Millen says, “Take supplements rich in Black Elderberry. Sambucol is one of the strongest immune combinations on the market. Rich in antioxidants, black elderberries are known for their immune boosting effects.” Sambucol provides a natural immune-boosting mode of action called AntiVirin®, which helps protect healthy cells, inactivate infectious viruses and boost the body’s natural immune function. Be warned however, the raw berries, bark and leaves of the plant are also known to be poisonous and cause stomach problems.



Sambucol Elderberry Original Liquid



70% of your entire immune system is based in your gut. Your immune system is made up of several different areas in your body, working together to support you against threats including physical injuries, toxins, pathogens and even stress. Dr Kate Stephens, Gut Microbiologist from OptiBac Probiotics, explains: “Your gut is one of the first entry points for germs, so it’s really important to keep it protected with lots of good bacteria to help ward off harmful bugs. Stress, anxiety, lack of sleep and a bad diet can all create an imbalanced gut microbiome, which in turn may lower your immune system. It’s important you look after your wellbeing during these uncertain months, to help fight nasty bugs and maintain a healthy gut.” Everyday Max Optibac contains 3 extensively researched strains; L. acidophilus NCFM®, B. lactis HN019 & B. lactis Bl-04, at a combined strength of 50 billion live cultures.



Everyday Max Optibac



Liquorice is anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, an antiviral adrenal tonic, as well as having healing (vulnerary) and liver protective properties and helps treat mouth ulcers. It is also an antioxidant and has a beneficial influence on immune function. Liquorice also acts as a demulcent, creating a soothing film over mucous membranes, which explains why liquorice can help soothe sore throats and calm coughs. The first documented use of liquorice goes back about 2500 years ago to Egyptian and Assyrian times. Liquorice was used in ancient Greece, and the Greek botanist Threophastus reported its use for dry cough, asthma and other respiratory conditions. Amongst the Romans, Pliny the elder also mentioned the use of liquorice for asthma. Potter’s Herbals Liquorice Syrup and helps support the upper respiratory tract.



Potter’s Herbals Liquorice Syrup


Medicinal Mushrooms

Mushrooms are a fantastic natural supporter for all stages of the life cycle. We share about 50% of our DNA with fungi, they are a very bioavailable medicine to us, and they possess a diverse array of compounds with widespread physiological activity. Medicinal mushrooms are rich in minerals, antioxidants, and polysaccharides like beta glucans which have strong immunological activity, and support many key components of the immune system, from increasing protective immune cells, to supporting effective immune function. Many mushrooms also contain a wide variety of anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal compounds. Some of the most revered mushrooms for immune support are: Maitake, Reishi, Chaga, Cordyceps and Shiitake.



Organic Reishi Powder



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