Heineken® 0.0

Heineken® 0.0

Today’s society dictates we be cautious about what our bodies ingest. Although the gastronomy market has seen a shift towards the healthier lifestyle, it is harder for alcoholic beverage companies to follow suit, given the  calorie count and bad sugars that naturally go into making these drinks. Beer in particular has long had the worst reputation. Yet in Heineken 0.0 there is a distinct nod towards a healthier offering – allowing for a familiar taste without the worry of excess.

With zero alcohol and 69 calories for a 33cl bottle, Heineken 0.0 requires no formal education to explain its health benefits. Immersive and deep, it is balanced yet light, allowing an uninterrupted flavour to come to the forefront. Playing with the perception of exuberance being associated with high alcoholic content, this concept changes the context of modern day drinking.

“Removing alcohol from regular 5% Heineken® would have been easy, but it wouldn’t deliver the best tasting non-alcoholic beer. Heineken® 0.0 is brewed from scratch and has a perfectly balanced taste with refreshing fruity notes and soft malty body.”

~ Willem van Waesberghe, Global Craft & Brew Master, Heineken.

Initially available in 14 countries, this release gives us more of an insight into the future of drinking culture and how leaders see the non-alcoholic market developing. In theory such success could even change the way spectators interact with sporting events. The risk of irresponsible drinking has plagued the industry, yet with Heineken® 0.0 it is lessened. While it is still too early to say that this is the future for football stadia drinking, those who desire balance in their lives will find this a notable addition to an ever changing landscape.

View our special Heineken 0.0 feature OPEN TO ALL here.



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