A requisite in the household of any professional from the age of university upwards, wine has become as much a commodity to modern professionals as milk and bread. That said despite there being 1.6 million regular wine-drinking Londoner’s that understand what they like in terms of taste, for the main part there remains a steep knowledge gap in transitioning from the mass to the niche.
That’s where new e-commerce wine store Garmence Wine Studio have entered the market; targeting those in-and-around their ‘thirties’ with a capsule collection of handpicked wines.
Adopting a more lifestyle approach to the wine sector, while there will be a core selection of Garmence wines, there will also be limited edition varieties operating in seasons – much like the fashion industry – Autumn/Winter and Spring/Summer.
Founder Charlotte Calvet is the 7th generation of a family born in Bordeaux, and has direct access to a worldwide network of trustworthy growers, built on a history of strong relationships with quality winemakers across Europe.
The tastes are delectably refined with considered ‘variants’ of your staple reds and whites, and the prices are delectably refined too, starting at a very reasonable £12.
The current capsule Garmence range comprises a selection of white wine, one champagne, one prosecco and a variety of reds, all created with producers from lauded wine regions and exhibiting their own distinct personality. To get educated on the range and sample them for yourself visit the Garmence Wine Studio website via the link below.