Organic Growth
Environmentalism is such an enormous and crucial duty that, for many, it bypasses comprehension altogether.
In fact, in its current gridlocked iteration, most people feel pretty powerless to affect meaningful change – and indeed to halt it altogether. The climate crisis is a regulatory issue, it has to be a collective stride and to do that, we need giants to help us take the initial steps. Champagne Telmont have announced a new partnership with Leonardo Di-Caprio and there are few better faces in the world (the sentence could end here, honestly) that can help galvanise the masses towards positive climate action.
In light of a new sustainable methodology, Leo has offered his full commitment to Telmont as an investor in the company. The House aims to convert its entire vineyard to 100% organic agriculture by 2025 and assist its partner growers with the full conversion of their vines by 2031. This initiative constitutes a major breakthrough which entails renouncing the use of all herbicides, pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
“Champagne Telmont, together with its partner wine-growers, has set its sights on producing 100% organic champagne, ensuring a completely sustainable production lifecycle in the coming years. From protecting biodiversity on its land, to using 100% renewable electricity, Champagne Telmont is determined to radically lower its environmental footprint, making me proud to join as an investor.”
— said Leonardo DiCaprio
The House is also strongly committed to protecting biodiversity in its estate and is acting on all fronts to reduce its environmental footprint. Since June 2021, Telmont has banned gift boxes with the belief that the best packaging is no packaging. The House also ceased buying clear bottles, made from 0% recycled glass, to rely solely on classic green champagne bottles made from 85% recycled glass.
Telmont has made transparency the corner stone of its environmental program ‘In the Name of Mother Nature’ and to that end, each bottle is individually numbered and showcases on the front label the detailed composition and production methods of the wine inside.