OIWA ISLAND 2 by Oscar Oiwa

OIWA ISLAND 2 by Oscar Oiwa

Having the patience to finish an A4 sketch let alone a wall mural is a challenge in itself, but to have the patience to carry out your detailed artistry over the entire canvas of a 6m dome – with a marker pen – is sheer lunacy. Japanese Brazilian Oscar Oiwa has done exactly that in the 2016 Setouchi Triennale with a world he calls “Oiwa Island 2”. Dubbed ‘the world’s largest drawing’ the 360-degree illustration creates a world unto itself.

Oiwa Island 2 2016 by Oscar Oiwa The World's Largest Drawing

Oscar Oiwa presents Oiwa Island 2 Marker pens 2016 The World's largest drawing

You could argue that he cheated somewhat, after all the initial artwork rendering of a small seaside cottage and forest in the Setouchi landscape, was actually completed three years prior in 2013. However something tells me that there will be few in that camp, and more on the side of wonderment and marvel, at the mastery and sheer scale of the artistry on display.

Oscar Oiwa presents Oiwa Island 2 2016 The World's largest drawing

You enter the dome via a door that is of course rendered in marker pen – on the inside – to enable you to make your way out, should you eventually want to leave. One thing is for certain, on entry “No shoes please”.

Oscar Oiwa Island 2 2016

(Source : Yatzer)
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