As the beginning drink of the meal the Aperitif is, if anything, the most important. It sets the tone for the evening ahead, relaxing body and mind in the process, while encouraging nuances among guests.
Taking this cue and reinventing the traditional Italian concept is the Glenfiddich Highball. Commonly known across the Asian continent, its approachable composition makes it ideal for a global audience. Its allure, particularly within Europe, adds to its credibility within a social context. Not only is there an intrigue to what it consists of there is also a genuine sense of satisfaction upon consuming.
The balance of sharp and sweet is a juxtaposition that makes the drink enticing yet manageable.
Using Glenfiddich’s 12-year-old Single Malt as a base the long drink requires little fuss. A simple pairing of whiskey, premium soda and a lemon twist bring it all together. With the mellowed oak aromas creating subtle notes throughout. To put it simply it is a combination that works seamlessly.
Curated by Glenfiddich Malt Master Brian Kinsman the process used the minds of drink specialists who flirt with the idea of experimentation and forward thinking. While the measurements are simple, the need to be flexible is encouraged by these minds and this is when the drink transforms into an icon. Doses of elderflower, bitters and garnish bring out characteristics that are as varied as they are challenging for the taste buds.
Completely familiar yet new in its approach the drink transcends day or night conforms – enabling it be the source of education for newcomers and a consistent satisfaction for regulars.